Option Public
Option Declare
Dim xlApp As Variant
Dim xlWkBook As Variant
Dim sColumnCode As String
Const xlDiagonalDown=5
Const xlNone=-4142
Const xlDiagonalUp=6
Const xlEdgeBottom=9
Const xlEdgeLeft=7
Const xlEdgeRight=10
Const xlEdgeTop=8
Const xlAutomatic=-4105
Const xlContinuous=1
Const xlThin=2
Const xlInsideVertical=11
Const xlUnderlineStyleNone=-4142
Const xlPrintNoComments=-4142
Const xlLandscape=2
Const xlPaperA4=9
Const xlDownThenOver=1
Sub Initialize
Dim s As New NotesSession
Dim db As NotesDatabase
Dim row As Integer
Dim Col As Integer
Dim x, maxcols, maxrows As Integer
Set db = s.currentdatabase
Dim dc As NotesDocumentCollection
Dim doc As NotesDocument
Dim HistoryItems As Variant
'Get a handle on the selected documents
Set dc = db.UnprocessedDocuments
Set doc = dc.GetFirstDocument
If doc Is Nothing Then
exit Sub
End If
'Create Spreadsheet titles
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
xlApp.Visible = True
Set xlWkBook = xlApp.Workbooks
xlApp.Application.DisplayAlerts = False
xlApp.Sheets("Sheet1").Name = "Document History"
xlApp.Sheets("Document History").Select
row = 2
'While Not doc Is Nothing
ForAll hist In doc.revisionHistory
HistoryItems = Split(hist,"~")
col = 1
ForAll item In HistoryItems
xlApp.Cells(Row,col) = item
col = col + 1
End ForAll
row = row + 1
End ForAll
maxcols = col
maxrows = row-1
'Set Headings
row = 1
For x = 1 To maxcols
xlApp.Cells(Row,x) = "Title"
' Bold Titles
For x = 1 To maxcols
Call GetColumnCode(CStr(x))
xlApp.Range(sColumnCode & "1").Select
With xlApp.Selection.Font
.FontStyle = "Bold"
End With
' autofit the columns in both sheets and underline the titles
Call GetColumnCode(CStr(maxcols))
xlApp.Columns("A:" & sColumnCode).EntireColumn.AutoFit
xlApp.Range("A2" & ":" & sColumnCode & "2" ).Select
With xlApp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop)
.LineStyle = xlContinuous
.Weight = xlThin
.ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
End With
End Sub
Sub GetColumnCode(sColumnNumber As String)
Select Case sColumnNumber
Case "1"
sColumnCode = "A"
Case "2"
sColumnCode = "B"
Case "3"
sColumnCode = "C"
Case "4"
sColumnCode = "D"
Case "5"
sColumnCode = "E"
Case "6"
sColumnCode = "F"
Case "7"
sColumnCode = "G"
Case "8"
sColumnCode = "H"
Case "9"
sColumnCode = "I"
Case "10"
sColumnCode = "J"
Case "11"
sColumnCode = "K"
Case "12"
sColumnCode = "L"
Case "13"
sColumnCode = "M"
Case "14"
sColumnCode = "N"
Case "15"
sColumnCode = "O"
Case "16"
sColumnCode = "P"
Case "17"
sColumnCode = "Q"
Case "18"
sColumnCode = "R"
Case "19"
sColumnCode = "S"
Case "20"
sColumnCode = "T"
Case "21"
sColumnCode = "U"
Case "22"
sColumnCode = "V"
Case "23"
sColumnCode = "W"
Case "24"
sColumnCode = "X"
Case "25"
sColumnCode = "Y"
Case "26"
sColumnCode = "Z"
Case "27"
sColumnCode = "AA"
Case "28"
sColumnCode = "AB"
Case "29"
sColumnCode = "AC"
Case "30"
sColumnCode = "AD"
Case "31"
sColumnCode = "AE"
Case "32"
sColumnCode = "AF"
Case "33"
sColumnCode = "AG"
Case "34"
sColumnCode = "AH"
Case "35"
sColumnCode = "AI"
Case "36"
sColumnCode = "AJ"
Case "37"
sColumnCode = "AK"
Case "38"
sColumnCode = "AL"
Case "39"
sColumnCode = "AM"
Case "40"
sColumnCode = "AN"
Case "41"
sColumnCode = "AO"
Case "42"
sColumnCode = "AP"
Case "43"
sColumnCode = "AQ"
Case "44"
sColumnCode = "AR"
Case "45"
sColumnCode = "AS"
Case "46"
sColumnCode = "AT"
Case "47"
sColumnCode = "AU"
Case "48"
sColumnCode = "AV"
Case "49"
sColumnCode = "AW"
Case "50"
sColumnCode = "AX"
Case "51"
sColumnCode = "AY"
Case "52"
sColumnCode = "AZ"
End Select
End sub
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