Sunday, 6 March 2011

Creating ACL spreadsheets with Excel

Have you ever had to create an Excel spreadsheet detailing your ACL, and then had to compare this to the required ACL?

This agent will create a two sheet spreadsheet of the current database ACL, one sheet for the ACL and another containing the roles.


Dim xlApp As Variant
Dim xlWkBook As Variant
Dim sColumnCode As String
Const xlDiagonalDown=5
Const xlNone=-4142
Const xlDiagonalUp=6
Const xlEdgeBottom=9
Const xlEdgeLeft=7
Const xlEdgeRight=10
Const xlEdgeTop=8
Const xlAutomatic=-4105
Const xlContinuous=1
Const xlThin=2
Const xlInsideVertical=11
Const xlUnderlineStyleNone=-4142
Const xlPrintNoComments=-4142
Const xlLandscape=2
Const xlPaperA4=9
Const xlDownThenOver=1

Sub Initialize
 Dim s As New NotesSession
 Dim db As NotesDatabase
 Dim acl As NotesACL
 Dim entry As NotesACLEntry
 Dim row As Integer
 Dim Col As Integer
 Dim x As Integer
 Dim RoleList List As Integer
 Dim UserTypeList List As String
 Dim AccessLevel List As String
 Set db = s.currentdatabase
 Set acl = db.ACL

 row = 1
 col = 1
 UserTypeList(0) = "Unspecified"
 UserTypeList(1) = "Person"
 UserTypeList(2) = "Server"
 UserTypeList(3) = "Mixed"
 UserTypeList(4) = "Person Group"
 UserTypeList(5) = "Server Group"
 AccessLevel(0) = "No Access"
 AccessLevel(1) = "Depositor"
 AccessLevel(2) = "Reader"
 AccessLevel(3) = "Author"
 AccessLevel(4) = "Editor"
 AccessLevel(5) = "Designer"
 AccessLevel(6) = "Manager"

 'Create Spreadsheet titles
 Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
 xlApp.Visible = True
 Set xlWkBook = xlApp.Workbooks
 xlApp.Application.DisplayAlerts = False
 xlApp.Sheets("Sheet1").Name = "ACL"
 xlApp.Sheets("Sheet2").Name = "Roles"
 'Set Headings
 xlApp.Cells(Row,6) = "Create"
 xlApp.Cells(Row,7) = "Create"
 xlApp.Cells(Row,8) = "Create"
 xlApp.Cells(Row,9) = "Create"
 xlApp.Cells(Row,10) = "Read"
 xlApp.Cells(Row,11) = "Write"
 row = row + 1
 xlApp.Cells(Row,2) = "User"
 xlApp.Cells(Row,4) = "Create"
 xlApp.Cells(Row,5) = "Delete"
 xlApp.Cells(Row,6) = "Personal"
 xlApp.Cells(Row,7) = "Personal"
 xlApp.Cells(Row,8) = "Shared"
 xlApp.Cells(Row,9) = "LotusScript"
 xlApp.Cells(Row,10) = "Public"
 xlApp.Cells(Row,11) = "Public"
 row = row + 1
 xlApp.Cells(Row,1) = "Name"
 xlApp.Cells(Row,2) = "Type"
 xlApp.Cells(Row,3) = "Access"
 xlApp.Cells(Row,4) = "Documents"
 xlApp.Cells(Row,5) = "Documents"
 xlApp.Cells(Row,6) = "Agents"
 xlApp.Cells(Row,7) = "Folders/Views"
 xlApp.Cells(Row,8) = "Folders/Views"
 xlApp.Cells(Row,9) = "Agents"
 xlApp.Cells(Row,10) = "Documents"
 xlApp.Cells(Row,11) = "Documents"

 ' Now do the roles
 xlApp.Cells(Row,2) = "User"
 row = row + 1
 xlApp.Cells(Row,1) = "Name"
 xlApp.Cells(Row,2) = "Type"
 xlApp.Cells(Row,3) = "Access"
 col =3
 Forall r In acl.Roles
  xlApp.Cells(Row,col) = r
  RoleList(r) = x
 End Forall
 row = 4

 'populate the spreadsheet
 Set entry = acl.GetFirstEntry
 While Not(entry Is Nothing)
  xlApp.Cells(Row,1) = entry.Name
  xlApp.Cells(Row,2) = UserTypeList(entry.UserType)
  xlApp.Cells(Row,3) = AccessLevel(entry.Level)
  If entry.CanCreateDocuments Then xlApp.Cells(Row,4) = "X"
  If entry.CanDeleteDocuments Then xlApp.Cells(Row,5) = "X"
  If entry.CanCreatePersonalAgent Then xlApp.Cells(Row,6) = "X"
  If entry.CanCreatePersonalFolder Then xlApp.Cells(Row,7) = "X"
  If entry.CanCreateSharedFolder Then xlApp.Cells(Row,8) =  "X"
  If entry.CanCreateLSOrJavaAgent Then xlApp.Cells(Row,9) =  "X"
  If entry.IsPublicReader Then xlApp.Cells(Row,10) = "X"
  If entry.IsPublicWriter Then xlApp.Cells(Row,11) = "X"
  xlApp.Cells(Row,1) = entry.Name
  xlApp.Cells(Row,2) = UserTypeList(entry.UserType)
  xlApp.Cells(Row,3) = AccessLevel(entry.Level)
  Forall r In entry.Roles
   If Not(r = "") Then
    xlApp.Cells(Row,col) = "X"
   End If
  End Forall
  row = row+1
  Set entry = acl.GetNextEntry(entry)

 ' Bold Titles
 For y = 1 To 3
  For z = 1 To 11
   Call GetColumnCode(Cstr(z))
   xlApp.Range(sColumnCode & Cstr(y)).Select
   With xlApp.Selection.Font
    .FontStyle = "Bold"
   End With
 For y = 1 To 2
  For z = 1 To x+2
   Call GetColumnCode(Cstr(z))
   xlApp.Range(sColumnCode & Cstr(y)).Select
   With xlApp.Selection.Font
    .FontStyle = "Bold"
   End With

 ' autofit the columns in both sheets and underline the titles
 With xlApp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop)
  .LineStyle = xlContinuous
  .Weight = xlThin
  .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
 End With
 Call GetColumnCode(Cstr(x+2))
 xlApp.Columns("A:" & sColumnCode).EntireColumn.AutoFit
 xlApp.Range("A3:" & sColumnCode & "3").Select
 With xlApp.Selection.Borders(xlEdgeTop)
  .LineStyle = xlContinuous
  .Weight = xlThin
  .ColorIndex = xlAutomatic
 End With
End Sub

Sub GetColumnCode(sColumnNumber As String)
 Select Case sColumnNumber
 Case "1"
  sColumnCode = "A"
 Case "2"
  sColumnCode = "B"
 Case "3"
  sColumnCode = "C"
 Case "4"
  sColumnCode = "D"
 Case "5"
  sColumnCode = "E"
 Case "6"
  sColumnCode = "F"
 Case "7"
  sColumnCode = "G"
 Case "8"
  sColumnCode = "H"
 Case "9"
  sColumnCode = "I"
 Case "10"
  sColumnCode = "J"
 Case "11"
  sColumnCode = "K"
 Case "12"
  sColumnCode = "L"
 Case "13"
  sColumnCode = "M"
 Case "14"
  sColumnCode = "N"
 Case "15"
  sColumnCode = "O"
 Case "16"
  sColumnCode = "P"
 Case "17"
  sColumnCode = "Q"
 Case "18"
  sColumnCode = "R"
 Case "19"
  sColumnCode = "S"
 Case "20"
  sColumnCode = "T"
 Case "21"
  sColumnCode = "U"
 Case "22"
  sColumnCode = "V"
 Case "23"
  sColumnCode = "W"
 Case "24"
  sColumnCode = "X"
 Case "25"
  sColumnCode = "Y"
 Case "26"
  sColumnCode = "Z"
 Case "27"
  sColumnCode = "AA"
 Case "28"
  sColumnCode = "AB"
 Case "29"
  sColumnCode = "AC"
 Case "30"
  sColumnCode = "AD"
 Case "31"
  sColumnCode = "AE"
 Case "32"
  sColumnCode = "AF"
 Case "33"
  sColumnCode = "AG"
 Case "34"
  sColumnCode = "AH"
 Case "35"
  sColumnCode = "AI"
 Case "36"
  sColumnCode = "AJ"
 Case "37"
  sColumnCode = "AK"
 Case "38"
  sColumnCode = "AL"
 Case "39"
  sColumnCode = "AM"
 Case "40"
  sColumnCode = "AN"
 Case "41"
  sColumnCode = "AO"
 Case "42"
  sColumnCode = "AP"
 Case "43"
  sColumnCode = "AQ"
 Case "44"
  sColumnCode = "AR"
 Case "45"
  sColumnCode = "AS"
 Case "46"
  sColumnCode = "AT"
 Case "47"
  sColumnCode = "AU"
 Case "48"
  sColumnCode = "AV"
 Case "49"
  sColumnCode = "AW"
 Case "50"
  sColumnCode = "AX"
 Case "51"
  sColumnCode = "AY"
 Case "52"
  sColumnCode = "AZ"
 End Select

End Sub

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