I am currently running a project to migrate users from Lotus Domino to MS Exchange. One of the many migrations is to move our Blackberry users from Lotus Domino BES to the Exchange BES environment.
We are currently running a Proof of Concept lab, where we have both the BES environments and I am looking for a tool to assist the migration of users from one to the other. We are using the Quest tool to migrate the nsf mail files, but I am wondering if anyone has had experience of migrating the Blackberry devices.
I am aware that Binary Tree has a tool to aid the migration, but I have heard that it is not the best tool and can result in approximately 20% fail rate? Does anyone have any experience of this to back up these figures?
I think the migration strategy will be to move users by unregistering them from the Domino BES and then re-provisioning them on the new Exchange BES. This way they will have to re-synchronize all of their data.
Any suggestions?
The B*Nator tool from ISEC7 will perform BES for Domino to BES for Exchange migrations. I've not used it so don't know how good the migrations are.