Thursday 10 March 2011

@replaceSubString in Lotusscript

Here is the code

Function replaceSubString(st As String, f As String, t As String) As String '/** '* Function replaceSubString '* The following function will search the '* passed string "st" for the string "f". If '* found all instances will be replaced with '* the string "t". '* '* @param st the string to be parsed '* @param f the string that we are looking for '* @param t the string that we would like "f" '* to be changed to '* '* @return a new string with all instances "f" '* replaced by "t" '* '*/ Dim returnValue As String Dim temp As String temp = st Dim i As Integer i = Instr(temp, f) While (i > 0) returnValue = _ returnValue + _ Left(temp, i -1) + t temp = Mid(temp, i + Len(f)) i = Instr(temp, f) Wend returnValue = returnValue + temp replaceSubString = returnValue End Function

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